October 18 - Manage members efficiently on Boutir's Web Portal; embrace video-first shopping experience with new website layout and video previews

Updated Features:
  1. Member data wiewing and management on Boutir's Web Portal
  2. New video product previews for eye-catching and profitable experiences
  3. Upgraded product listing layouts beyond square boxes
  4. More versatile page design catering to your varying needs

1. Member Data Viewing and Management on Boutir's Web Portal 

Previously, you could only manage your members in Boutir's App. Boutir's Web Portal was limited to uploading member data. This update enables viewing and managing member data directly through Boutir's Web Portal. You can even set/edit membership levels.

Access Boutir's Web Portal and click on "People" > "Overview" to view the total number of members, new member count, and email subscribers count.

  • Viewing member data from Boutir's Web Portal:

Find specific members by searching their names, emails, or phone numbers. The member list provides a clear overview of customer data, and you can instantly adjust member levels and points on the member list page.

  • To view the member list, click on "People" > "Overview" > "View All Members" or click on "People" > "All Members":

By clicking on a customer from the member list, you can view their total order count, spending, purchase history, and more. Moreover, you can see the customer's pending shopping carts from the past seven days. Furthermore, you can also adjust member tiers and points in this section.

  • Click on "All Members" > Select a specific member to access their detailed information:

2. New Video Product Previews for Eye-catching and Profitable Experiences

Videos are more captivating than static photos. They can even help customers make purchasing decisions. Now, you can use videos as product covers. When customers browse the product listings, the product videos auto-play for customers' preview. 

  • Setting up shoppable video presentation on Boutir's Web Portal:

  • The effect of selecting "Auto-playing thumbnails" for the product listing page:

Screen Recording 2023-10-16 at 10.24.08

  • The effect of selecting the "Play icon on thumbnails" for the product listing page:

Screen Recording 2023-10-16 at 10.31.46

Boutir App and connect it to your Instagram account. Once connected, you can choose the reels and add them directly to your products.

Related Tutorial:

How to Upload a Single Product?

3. Upgraded Product Display Layouts Beyond Square Boxes

We are introducing the upgraded product display layout. Apart from choosing the traditional square product covers, you can pick the "Dynamic Grid" to display images with different ratios, such as vertical full-body shots for the fashion industry. If you have many products with images in various sizes, consider "Waterfall" to optimize screen space.

  • Setting up product display layout on Boutir's Web Portal:

  • Original Product Display Layout:

landing page (20)

  • The effects of the new product display layouts:

Web Store Effect

Mobile Store Effect

"Square Grid"

Screenshot 2023-10-13 at 4.31.22 PM IMG_5630

"Dynamic Grid"

Screenshot 2023-10-13 at 4.32.19 PM IMG_5637


Screenshot 2023-10-13 at 4.22.44 PM-1 IMG_5626

4. More Versatile Page Design Catering to Your Varying Needs

We understand that brands have diverse aesthetics. This update offers a variety of settings to provide a more flexible page layout design.


Setting Interface on Boutir's Web Portal


Component Background Color

Section Highlighting with Component Background Color:

Effect of Setting Background Color for "Product List" Component:Screenshot 2023-10-16 at 12.14.04

Setting Rounded Corners for Product Thumbnails Unify Web Store Style by Adjusting Rounded Corner Settings for Product Images/Videos: Effect of Rounded Corners on Product Thumbnails:Screenshot 2023-10-16 at 10.54.52
Component Width Setting Full-Screen Component Width to Maximize Screen Space and Ensure Consistent Page Layout:

Reduce:Screenshot 2023-10-16 at 11.30.01


Screenshot 2023-10-16 at 11.30.16

Product Display Modes

Previously limited to 8 items per page for a maximum of 3 pages. "Infinite Scroll" mode allows the product page to extend infinitely, so customers can explore the complete product list at ease:


Before "Infinite Scroll":After "Infinite Scroll":

Folded Text

Allowing for collapsible long text to prevent excessive text length from affecting page layout:

Before "Collapse long content":Screenshot 2023-10-16 at 11.34.27After "Collapse long content":Screenshot 2023-10-16 at 11.34.23

Upgraded Product Details Page

Brand Style can now be applied on product details page. Screenshot 2023-10-16 at 11.47.32

Upgraded Account Details Page

Brand style can be applied to members' account details page.

Upgraded Order History Page

Brand style can be applied to members' order history page.

Addition of Regular Price Color Setting

Setting the color of the regular price in brand style:

Before & After:

Screenshot 2023-10-30 at 11.36.34 Screenshot 2023-10-30 at 11.36.53

Other Minor Updates

  • Correcting the issue of inconsistent price colors
  • Member price labels, pre-order labels in line with brand style
  • Fixing header height and display issues