February 9 - Grow Live streaming viewers by Simulcast and Email notifications

Updated Features:
1. Newsletter subscription
2. Live streaming to Facebook and Instagram with simulcast

1. Newsletter subscription

As the only e-commerce platform that offers both live streaming and shoppable video features, you can now easily remind your customers to come back by emails. You can add a newsletter subscription box in your store for your customers to follow your live streaming event updates. 

  • Setting in Boutir Web Portal:

  • Preview on Storefront:


  • With this feature, your members will receive "Upcoming Live Streaming Notification" emails 24 hours and 1 hour prior to the start of your live stream.

2. Livestream to Facebook and Instagram by simulcast

Now you can run a Livestream in your online store, and at the same time on Facebook and Instagram. It effectively converts fans from social media to real customers who actually buy. 

  • Setting in Boutir App:


  • Enter Server URL and Stream Key, that's all!


Related tutorial:

How to Stream Live Broadcast to Other Social Media Platforms?