How to Batch Import Products?

Please first download and log in to the Boutir App

This article will introduce how to batch import products via the app

**The number of photos/ videos (of a product) shown on the Product Creation Page is based on the number of photos/ videos of your Instagram post** (Select no more than 30 posts each time)

Mobile App (download here)

  1. Open and log in to the Boutir App, then click “Product”
  2. Click “⊕”
  3. Choose Batch Import Products
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  4. Click “Connect to Instagram”
  5. Log in to your Instagram store account
  6. Click the arrow at the top left-hand corner
  7. Select multiple posts to create multiple products accordingly970588E2-D6F8-4B97-9599-2756704E4A03
  8. Input products information
  9. Click “Create” to import products