May 6 - New settings for delivery methods and shipping fee options; Setting product cost for easier profit calculation.

Updated features: 

1. The weight-based shipping options to reduce merchants' shipping costs.

2. Setting product cost for easier profit and loss calculations. 

3. Setting product temperatures for shipping frozen items.

4. Flexible delivery options for frozen items.

1. The weight-based shipping options to reduce merchants' shipping costs.

In the past, the shipping fee setting options were limited to fixed rates. Now, you have the ability to set charges based on weight and define corresponding shipping fees for different weight ranges. The system will automatically calculate the appropriate shipping fee based on the weight of the items provided by you when customers check out. 

  • Setting up the weight of each product option in Edit Product Page:

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  • Setting up weight-based shipping options on Boutir's Web Portal:


  • Entering the parcel's weight and corresponding shipping cost:

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  • Apart from calculating shipping based on specific weights, you can set up cumulative calculations. By inputting the price per kilogram, the system will automatically calculate the shipping fee based on the weight of the items when your customers check out.

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*Please note: The total weight of an order will be rounded up to the nearest weight tier. For example, if the total weight of an order is 3.1kg, the shipping fee will be calculated based on a weight of 4kg. If a product does not have a weight provided, it will be considered as 0kg and will not incur any shipping fee.

2. Setting product cost for easier profit and loss calculations. 

We have added a "Cost " field on the product details page, allowing you to label the cost of each item when adding or editing products. Additionally, you can use Excel to bulk import or update the cost prices of your products. Once you have filled in the cost prices of your products, you will be able to view them when exporting the order list. This feature enables you to have a clearer and faster calculation of profits and losses by having visibility into the cost prices of each item.

  • Entering product's cost on Boutir's Web Portal:
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  • You can also use Excel for bulk updates:


  • Once you have entered the cost prices for your products, you can easily calculate the order profit by exporting the order list and viewing the cost prices of each item.

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In the future, we will be introducing sales analysis reports that will provide you with a comprehensive view of your store's total revenue, expenses, and detailed sales data. These reports will help you gain deeper insights into the operational performance of your store, enabling you to formulate more effective strategies to optimize your business. 

3. Setting product temperatures for shipping frozen items.

To address the transportation challenges associated with selling frozen goods, we have introduced an automated logistics service . This service aims to streamline the process for merchants and save time.

To benefit from this service, simply contact us to enable the SF Express Cold Chain Logistics service. Once contact us, merchants can easily specify the required storage temperature when editing or adding new products. Subsequently, when listing frozen goods, there is no need to contact us separately. This enables you to efficiently and swiftly handle orders that require frozen shipping without any additional hassle.

  • First time to use SF Express's cold chain delivery service, please contact us to initiate the setup process. We will assist you in establishing the necessary arrangements for the relevant services: 

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    • Once you have enabled SF Express Cold Chain service, when you edit or list a new product, you will see an additional field labeled " Temperature." In this field, you can select the required temperature for the specific product. 

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    *Note: Currently, the system does not support adding products with different temperatures to the same shopping cart. Customers will need to place separate orders for products with different temperature requirements. If a product does not require temperature control, you can simply set it as "Ambient" in the system.

    4. Flexible delivery options for frozen items.

    Previously, frozen goods could only be delivered through SF Express Cold Chain service. Now you have the option to allow customers to pick up their orders in-store or provide them with customized delivery options. This expanded flexibility offers customers more choices and makes the order pickup process more convenient for them.

    • When customers check out, they have the flexibility to choose their preferred delivery method when purchasing frozen items:

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